This is actually something very near and dear to my heart because I literally would not be doing what I do in life today had I not taken a couple of courses here, this one in particular, pass fail.
Haven't I taken back the assumption that in order to believe it, you've got to be able to picture it? Not quite.
The Second Brother, you'll remember, had taken what I take to be the perfectly reasonable position, the cautious position, that the Lady is in danger - that she's a sitting duck, in fact, out there in the dangerous forest.
Although Hobbes is widely taken to be a defender of monarchical absolutism, you will note, in your readings, that he displays a kind of studied neutrality over actually what form the sovereign should take.
So this is a Nash Equilibrium, but okay we know what it is in jargon, and we know, we kind of knew that was going to be an important point, because most of you have taken Economics courses before and you know that whenever lines cross in Economics it's important, right?