There is a plurality of solutions that conform to the boundary conditions, which is that the system must be bound.
The genius of Fish's reading of Milton's similes is to understand the particularly time-bound nature of Milton's verse.
The inner electrons are so tightly bound that they are for all intents and purposes, immobilized when it comes to reactivity.
Another Canaanite group, the Gibeonites, trick the Israelites into making a covenant with them, and it is a covenant the Israelites then feel bound to observe.
So it's trigonal because we have these three atoms that are bound to the central atom here, and if you picture it, it's actually shaped like a pyramid.
But in England, the tradition of freedom and government bound by law was already strong enough to produce effective resistance.
Isn't, in other words such an unreflective attachment ? to one's own bound to result in injustice to others?
So the basic idea was fine, but I failed to satisfy the initial condition that the answer had to be between the lower bound and the upper bound. Right?
They may be born to perform certain things and as such they're duty bound to follow them.
So I'm almost bound to get this wrong on the board.
The circuitous, logical route that we had to take in order to arrive at this new sense of Satan's size has everything to do with our status as temporally bound, temporally constrained readers.
God's redemption of the Israelites is a redemption for a purpose, a purpose that doesn't become clear until we get to Sinai, for at Sinai the Israelites will become God's people, bound by a covenant.
All right? If you run it, you have a sense of the upper bound, about how much time it's going to take to do this computation, so you're not going to get surprised by something showing up.
I can give two names, which will get bound to the two parts of that return tuple.
He feels duty-bound to participate materially in this political controversy rather than merely remaining in his studious retirement, however pleasant that is, at his father's house.
Doesn't need to be, so, what should I do about the upper bound here?
So, if we want to go from that stable state to that less stable state, we need to put in a certain amount of energy to our system, that difference between the free electron and the electron bound to the metal.
They are bound by, they're subservient to, this metadivine realm.
Then we read, or at least we think we read, that Satan's spear is small, and then we realize over the course of this reading process that Satan's spear is unimaginable, and we realize that our time-bound mode of knowing is ultimately inadequate to understand anything about the inscrutable truths of eternity: this is according to Fish.
Just to remind you what it does, we bound x to some value, we set up an initial variable called ANS or answer, answer and then we run through a little loop.
So we can think about what is our most loosely-bound electron, what's that highest energy orbital, and it's going to be the 2 p orbital, that's going to be what's highest in energy.