But now what we are going to do is bring them in together sort of along the lines of this.
And there's a lot of social psychology research as to the conditions in which you have to bring them together.
What we're going to do in forming a molecule is just bring these two orbitals close together such that now we have their nucleus, the two nuclei, at a distance apart that's equal to the bond length.
And I can be that standing in my own faith because really what you become is an example, a model of an engaged faithful person who is now working so hard to bring people different religion traditions together."
So to just preface what we're going to do next time, what would happen if I wanted to do sort, and rather than in sorting the entire list at once, I broke it into pieces, and sorted the pieces, and then just figured out a very efficient way to bring those two pieces and merge them back together again?
And of course, any political movement that tries to bring us together-- people together says--uses a family metaphor.
There could be familiar things that you are close to and you could bring in together new things as falling under the rubric of these familiar things.
But how we can bring those together to recognize and appreciate one other?
It was not easy to bring them together but when they had a common goal that brought them-- that caused the interconnection and then the contact led to moral feeling.