Occasionally, you'll find you need to cancel out units, because, of course, you're always doing unit analysis as you solve your problems, and sometimes you'll need to convert joules to kilogram meters square per second squared.
pxa So what happens when we add a 2 p a and we subtract from it a 2 p x b, or the same with a 2 p y a subtracting a 2 p y b, is that we're actually going to cancel out the wave function in the center, so we now have 2 nodal planes.
It's mortality that gives it that sense of ephemeral value, but it's also mortality that threatens to cancel it out altogether.
In addition to that, we have that epsilon nought value, remember that's the permittivity constant in a vacuum, and basically that is what we use as a conversion factor to get from units. We don't want namely coulombs to units, we want that will allow us to cancel out in this equation.
But in terms of SI units, which become much more useful if you're actually trying to use intensity in a problem and cancel out your units, we're just talking about joules per second is what intensity is.