So that we can talk about things being beautiful to varying degrees, but we never come across beauty itself in the actual empirical world.
Actually, it's used all across the United States and used across the world, about to come out in a Chinese edition for heaven's sakes.
Many of you've probably read this, come across this, but I think this captures so well the foundation of what it means to be actively accepting.
We are able to talk about the fact that two plus one equals three, but it's not as though we ever come across numbers-- number three itself--anywhere in the empirical world.
What you have to do is come across differently.
But through using this sort of computer generation, and then asking people what they think of this face, what they think of that face, scientists have come to some sense as to what really makes a face attractive, both within cultures and across cultures.
They come from all across United States, from Vermont to Florida, to California.
And the reason for positing these things is because we're clearly able to think about these ideas, and yet, we recognize that the ordinary physical world-- although things may participate in them to varying degrees-- we don't actually come across these objects or entities in the physical world.