Can you talk about a little bit about how you get to convince, because you could be arguing and arguing, and all of a sudden you realize No.
It's really hard for candidates to convince you, that they really are a left, or a right, or a centrist candidate.
It's less of an opening argument than it is something that I want to convince you of.
I think people should be able to do that without having to convince 280 million people.
Now, mind you, I haven't said anything today to convince you of the truth of compatibilism, nor am I going to try to do that.
The question is, if a group of Yalies started a hedge fund, what would they have to do to convince me to invest in them?
Otherwise, you've got to convince me that they're not true.
We can say that, but I wonder if it's possible even for these similes to convince us of the easy coexistence of these two incredibly important theological categories, free will and divine foreknowledge.
And I remember I was holding this mug of coffee and I was pleading with her, trying to convince her to take me on as her student, and I was saying, "Judy, I'll get a lot done.
In this scene, he's trying to convince an old school friend of his, played by Joseph Cotten, to join this thing.
And then we're going to try a demo to see if we can convince ourselves that the kind of calculations we make work out perfectly, and we'll do a test up here about half way through class.
So, we are now going to do one standard problem where we will convince ourselves we can apply this formulas and predict the future given the present.
And then we'll see that he's going to use his principle to convince us or try to convince us that the soul is imortal, is indestructible.
I don't think that people should be, should have to convince 280 million others simply in order to exercise their own rights, in order to not have their self ownership violated.
It's a huge amount of money that they're managing, but I was trying to convince them that they should do something to manage their oil risks because they're way over-invested in oil.
I went to the Bank of Mexico; I tried to convince the-- I met the president of the Bank of Mexico and tried to tell them that Mexico is too reliant on oil, too much oil--they have to get rid of their risk.