So, the authority of the canon that he invokes to defend himself in fact suggests perhaps that he has some doubts? Yes.
So, just an introduction to the classes of potential foreign invaders that our immune system tries to defend us against.
所以 我只是简单介绍几类,免疫系统试图抵御的潜在外来侵略者
And so, he attempts to defend this position, justify it to his disciples who are worried that it may not be true.
He begins in many ways by appearing to defend Plato's view about the rule of the best individual.
Were Milton not to fight in some way to defend what he takes to be the true church, he would simply not be investing those talents that God had given him.
Well, I mean, just to defend Locke, he does say that there are some times in which you can't take another person's land.
Sherif told the kids--all of the kids-- that the water line to the camp was cut and they all had to defend the camp.
There at the well, again he acts to defend the defenseless.
So it could be--From Hannibal's point of view he doesn't know which pass you're going to defend, but let's have a look at his payoffs.
And his basic rights were seen to be absolute, for nothing must interfere with the right of each individual to defend his life, liberty, and property.
And, so, they have to defend Paris.
And if your body is biologically programmed to defend itself gainst famine or starvation which is what humans and animals have faced over all the centuries then you're going to seek out the energy dense food and that's why those foods taste inherently better.
You are really out on a limb - if you're going to defend poetry--as Richards kept doing-- as "pseudo-statement," but of course pseudo-statement" is just another expression for what he calls here "fiction."
Is there anyone prepared to defend cost-benefit analysis here as accurate as desirable? Yes? Go ahead.
The desire not to oppress others may be decent but at the same time the people have to be taught or educated how to defend their liberty.
Now, who here wants to defend cost-benefit analysis from this apparent counter example?