In the meantime the Eiffel Tower is a wonderful way of showing the degree to which the vertical axis is virtual.
I don't really have the opportunities to study math and science, which, to some degree, I think is regrettable
Derrida, I think, freely acknowledges in this essay the degree to which he is standing on Levi-Strauss's shoulders.
To some degree, it's harder to imagine the worst thing than to statistically sort of figure out the middle band.
Now it's still going to be another twenty-five years before Milton writes the great epic, but Milton will no longer express the same degree of anxiety about under-preparation to write the great epic.
Remember when God said, "The sin of the Amorites is not yet complete, when they have sinned so much and to such a degree, they will be vomited out and then your tenancy can begin"?
To some degree, I am inclined to answer that both of those questions have something to them.
If we lowered the degree of synergy, what would happen to the effort level that we'd find by this method? What would happen?
Ordinary objects in the world participate to a greater or lesser degree in the Platonic forms.
In fact, the first PhD degree in engineering was awarded to a fellow named J. Willard Gibbs at Yale in 1863 for a thesis he did on how gears work or something, I forget exactly what the details are, but have you heard of Gibbs?
事实上 工程学的第一个博士学位授予了,一个名叫约西亚?威拉德?吉布斯的人,在一八六三年的耶鲁,他的论文是关于传动装置是如何工作的,细节方面的东西我记不清了,你们听说过吉布斯这个人么
Well a calorie technically--and this is again, not something that we would ever quiz you on but I just thought you might be interested to know-- that it's the energy required to raise one gram of water one degree centigrade, and we'll talk in a minute about you might go about measuring that.
To go to law school is very expensive or to go to get a master's degree is very expensive.
You could argue that both Southerners and Northerners shared a certain degree of old-fashioned American localism, attachment to place.
And then maybe I raise the temperature to whatever, room temperature, maybe 20 degrees hotter than room temperature. And I again say OK, now how much heat do I need to raise this thing's temperature by 1 degree?
May hurt a little bit, but try as much as possible to create a 90 degree angle.
It turns out, to a tremendous degree, and you could imagine yourself in that situation, they choose this one, the one that wasn't the one they turned down.