It's an historical question, as I say, and I want to devote the rest of the lecture to it.
Dreams" is such a fun topic that I'm going to devote half a class to sleeping and dreams.
He made it relatively easy for me to set the priorities, as to where we devote the time, who gets in and who doesn't.
Portion sizes, and we'll devote a class to this later on, have gone way up and that's a big problem, the amount of processing I mentioned.
And we could easily devote an entire semester to discussing it.
But what eventually evolved in the South and we will return to this a good deal next Tuesday when I'll devote an entire lecture to this kind of slaveholder worldview and the pro-slavery argument the pro-slavery defense and how that evolved into a political culture.
And these cases are so interesting I want to devote some chunk to a class in the next few weeks to discussing them.
And that's something which we're going to devote some time to when we talk about social behavior, and in particular, when we talk about sex.
Now, towards the end of the class I want to devote a full week to discussing major disorders like depression and anxiety, because of their profound social importance.
They thought the Klee lovers tended to be smarter than the Kandinsky lovers and the Klee lovers would devote more resources to themselves than to others.
For birds and mammals, we don't have many kids but so we devote a huge amount of psychological energy to protecting the ones that we have.
We'll devote a whole class to that down the road just a bit.
And in general, when people devote a lot of energy or money or expense to something, they are extraordinarily resistant to having it proven wrong.
Where--One of the big findings from social psychology, and we'll devote almost an entire lecture to this, that people have strong views about other races that they don't know about and that they don't know how to control their actions.