Every force, with one exception, can be seen as a force due to direct contact with the body.
It's a very easy, very direct, not at all impolite way to express your desires in any situation.
So we need something to direct it, but why couldn't that just be, one particular part of the body plays the part of the command module?
It is not to bind them from voluntary actions but to direct and keep them in such motion as not to hurt themselves by their own impetuous desires, rashness or indiscretion as hedges are set not to stop travelers but to keep them on their way."
But they represent for us a direction That the research lab I direct is trying to hid in.
We don't have really much of any direct exposure to homebuilders or to the housing industry.
So are Deuteronomy's legal traditions a direct response to or modification of the laws in Exodus and Numbers, or are they best understood as just different, independent formulations of a common legal tradition?
I'm not sure that it has to be direct exposure.
Just to say it again, so the cost and direct benefits of government are a wash for her.
Its direct relationship with the thing that's most closely adjacent to it somehow either through similarity or dissimilarity can never be a relationship of identity.
This is in direct contrast to when we're thinking about pi bonds.
I would argue that there is a direct line from the Enlightenment philosophy to nihilism, that is to say a philosophy that says there are no limits to what human beings may do.
Well, I guess in the first case where you have the one worker and the five, it's a choice between those two and you have to make a certain choice and people are going to die because of the trolley car, not necessarily because of your direct actions.
Got it.At one end though, s the Wall Street end, s much harder to see direct government interference.
Because it's the most direct way to express your desires.
Instead of being very direct, you can use "I don't know" to soften your response slightly.
但你不想说得那么直接,你可以用“I don't know”来让你的回答更为委婉。