Milton devotes a lot of time in Areopagitica to making a number of attempts to distinguish licensing from censorship.
But if in fact my reading practice can be shown not clearly to distinguish between meaning and significance, well, then that's what would happen.
Actually, let me start by saying I'm going to distinguish two broad families of characteristics we might appeal to.
It's because man alone has the faculty of speech and the ability to distinguish good from bad,and right from wrong.
So what's going on in this case is, I want to distinguish between shallow equality and deep equality.
But then, page eight, also in chapter two, he argues that it is possible for a utilitarian to distinguish higher from lower pleasures.
So, these sound more different, so I think I'll be able to distinguish.
So, anyway. Okay. But now, that modernist tradition is something that Nabokov owes a lot to, but he always tries to distinguish himself from it. For Nabokov, the highest value is originality.
While other species," he notes, "may have voice, may have sounds and be able to distinguish pleasure and pain, Logos speech"--logos is his word for it.
Importantly, is able to distinguish foreign molecules from your own molecules.
Now I need to distinguish this from the set of possible strategies of Player I, so I'm going to use capital "Si" to be what?
I have to be able to distinguish between all the signs I use in any communicative sequence.
We need to distinguish perhaps between what he consciously believes and what he unconsciously believes.
Now, I think the best response on the part of the dualist to this reply is to distinguish two aspects of feelings, two aspects of emotions.
If slavery is natural, and if nature intends to distinguish the slave from the unfree, the free from the unfree, ? how can nature miss the mark?
So here, you have an attempt to distinguish higher from lower pleasures.
We'll learn more about that in a moment, but basically it allows the immune system to distinguish between viral and bacterial pathogens, and respond appropriately depending on the type of pathogen that's there.
He says, "They aren't authors. They're founders of discursivity," and then he grants that it's kind of difficult to distinguish between a founder of discursivity and an author who has had an important influence. Right?
So, we might have to distinguish between any old accomplishment and genuinely valuable accomplishments.
Having distinguished two, and only two, kinds of regimes, republics and principalities, as the only ones worth mentioning, he goes on to distinguish two kinds of principalities.
In a stunning admission, he says, listen to this, that "while nature may intend to distinguish the free man from the slave," he says, "the opposite often results.
I wanted to distinguish 3 different possible interpretations, 3 different claims.
Obviously, Gadamer refuses to argue that we can distinguish in that way reliably.
Then later on, if I wish, I can establish a canon by saying certain texts have certain significance and those are the texts that I care about and want to read, but I can only do that if I can distinguish between meaning and significance.
And here I want to distinguish between the individual question about the inevitability of death, and the universal question.
So we need some account to distinguish between suspended animation and out and out being alive.
Now again, we've got to distinguish between what I'll continue to call the behavioral side of seeing red and the experiential side of seeing red.
Or maybe we need to distinguish between those things he gives a kind of lip service to, versus those things he truly and fundamentally believes.