So in this case, one of the standard ways to do this, is to use what's called a linked list.
So do reach out ultimately to your assigned teaching fellow, to me, to the help list, to the forums online.
Now this is actually a poor way to do it, because you might say, well, it's just the list.
So, she is interested in how this molecule, gemcitabine, inhibits an enzyme. So, to do those studies, she needs to know a lot of the stuff on this list.
Finally, they got Harry Hamlin to do it, who was kind of a B-list sort of guy.
But what you should be able to do is take a look at a list of answers for what we're saying z effective might be, and determining which ones are possible versus which ones are not possible.
So I'm first going to look for something that's not in the list, I'm going to see, is minus 1 in this list, so it's going to be at the far end, and if I do that in the basic case, bam.
And what does that say? It says, let's assume I want to do k searches of a list. OK.
OK? So the example I'm going to do, I'm going to search a sorted list.
So an easy way to do this would be to say, let's just represent them as a list.
So halfway is the right thing to do, because at each step, I'm guaranteed to throw away at least half the list. Right? And that's nice.
So it's going to look at the rest of the list, walking along, and what does it do?
The easy thing to do would be the following: start at the front end of the list, check the first element. If it's the thing I'm looking for, I'm done. It's there. If not, move on to the next element. And keep doing that.
Are you sure you didn't want to do for i in range of list, rather than for i in list?
So let me expand on that very slightly, and again we did this last time but I want to do one more time. I have to be careful about how I'm actually implementing a list.
Well let's see. My fall back is, I could just do linear search, walk down the list one at a time, just comparing those things. OK. So that's sort of my base. But what if I wanted, you know, how do I want to get to that sorted list? All right?
Takes in a list. What does it say to do?
Here's the problem. How do I get to the nth- er, the k'th element in the list, in this case?
You try to design actually I'm going to come back to that in a second. It's like you're trying to use a hash function that spread things out pretty evenly. But the places you store into in those lists may have to themselves have a small list in there, and when you go to check something, you may have to do a linear search through the elements in that list.
So to just preface what we're going to do next time, what would happen if I wanted to do sort, and rather than in sorting the entire list at once, I broke it into pieces, and sorted the pieces, and then just figured out a very efficient way to bring those two pieces and merge them back together again?
LS And what very often happens if you do an LS in your account, to list your files, there's a whole lot of stuff in here at the moment -- and I don't have it here - but what you'll often see -- I'll just fake this demo -- is a file called core.
So I'm going to go over here, and I'm going to type test search-- I can type and if you look at your handout, it's just a sequence of tests that I'm going to do OK. So initially, I'm going to set up the list to be the first million integers.
To get any location in memory, to get to any value of the list, I simply have to say which element do I want to get, I know that these things are stored in a particular size multiply that index by 4, add it to start, and then it's in a constant amount of time I can go to that location and get out the cell.