How much energy are you going to get out, and how far are you going to be able to drive a car with this expansion, let's say, so that's the problem.
What could possibly drive somebody to jump out of an airplane with nothing but a little piece of cloth between them and death?
In Judges 1:8 and 21, we read that the people of Judah did this and that despite that victory they failed to actually drive out the inhabitants, the Jebusites, who lived there.
Again, the size is of your pinky finger nail, all within the skin so you can just turn out your information to drive, for example a replaced arm or a computer screen.
People even get coached on how to do it, so when drive-in windows were introduced recently in Malaysia, these little graphics went out to show people how you actually used a drive-in window.
Now these parts of the world are shrinking in the number; but let's say you lived in Ethiopia or Somalia, or places where food really is scarce way too much of the time, then having this particular biological drive, having a brain that wants you to seek out these foods would be highly adaptive.