or actually ask the TFs in section to hand out a meter exercise that you can do for next week.
It not only does something, as we'll see, it also gets something and it has to hand it back to me.
Milton wants to arrive in Bethlehem to hand Christ his poem before the wise men are able to bring their gold and their frankincense and their myrrh.
Even if tomorrow someone were to hand doctors a magic new technology that would enable to control neurons and synapses with whatever precision they want safely inexpensively.
And some of them might be spinning clockwise, in which case, according to the right-hand rule we would consider them spin-down.
The answer is--this goes way back-- it's an old tradition and they used to have to do this by hand.
I thought that we'd begin then by turning to page 731, the left-hand column, the footnote.
And finally, we often think of a set of materials for teaching, there's a set of lectures notes that we hand out to students, for example.
On the other hand, as you shoot to the middle, since you're kicking the ball hard, you're slightly more likely to score.
If you decide to raise your hand, those are motor neurons telling the muscles what to do.
And I'm going to wait until somebody raises their hand STUDENT: 29?
Well first is, you go over here to the right hand side for each one, and it says click here for the full text article.
For those of you don't know what that is it's simply an instrument that counts radioactive particles in the air, and MIT now that you're at MIT, you'll all have a chance to see one first hand if you're ever in any of the labs, especially in the chemistry or bio labs.
if at any point you've got something you want to ask about or some two bits you want to add, raise your hand, wiggle it around, make sure I see you.
It's the most important thing and our conducting pattern always has to have the downbeat of the hand in sync with the strongest impulse in the music , the strong.
This is of some interest to us, so turn to the left-hand column of page 720 in the Hughes edition.