To be in a state of purity simply means that one is qualified to contact the sacred: to enter the sacred precincts, to handle sacred objects, and so on.
I feel grateful that I get to handle them after they've just done yoga,
What does that say? It says if in the code up here I get an exception of that sort, I'm going to go to this place to handle it.
What I did last time was to show you how to handle motion in more than one dimension.
So, in fact we may not find a sock at all and yet we don't seem to handle that at all unless if we don't find any socks, what do we do?
Earlier theories-- it's wonderful to have scientific theories that you can use to handle these problems, which you cannot demonstrate any fact for whatsoever.
That, at least, seems to handle the case of sleep properly.
It is the skill possessed by the greatest statesmen you might say the fathers of the constitutions as it were who create the permanent framework in which allows later and lesser figures to handle change.
To his brother Parmelee confided, "I am more of an abolitionist than ever now, right up to the handle.
I have one question on the problem set that asks you to think about how you would handle a decision.
They're pretty impressive looking. But they would be big, but still that would be a lot easier to transport and handle than a whole box or closet full of scrolls.
Princeton has more incoming freshmen who want to study mandarin Chinese than they can handle.
One is how important it is to have more accurate measurement and how important it is for scientists to get a better handle on what people are eating.
Well some things I can actually expect may happen and I want to handle them.
So I'm going to distinguish in fact between un-handled exceptions, which are the things that we saw there, and handled exceptions. I'm going to show you in a second how to handle them, but let's look at an example.
When you're all out of specific cases and you want to handle everything else, you literally say "default:" And here I could end the program with break, but it's kind of unnecessary because once I'm at the bottom of the curly braces, that's it.