This is what I'm supposed to tell you guys and we're all here to help you out.
there's a lot of subjects that are able to help you out there,
they really do want to help you out.
So you don't want to put in a negative energy, that's not going to help you out, you need to put in positive energy to get an electron out of the system. So that's why you'll find binding energies are always negative, and ionization energies are always going to be positive, or you could look at the equation and see it from there as well.
Please do it carefully, and I might even hand out a little bit of a study guide to help you with that.
So I'm going to forget remember, so you're going to have to help me out a bit.
We're not using them to weed you out, we're using them to help you learn.
The staff can still figure out who you are in order to help you most effectively but as for your classmates, they'll just see you and your questions as student.
I simply want to point out enough about the problem to help you see why I don't think free will is a slam-dunk for the soul.
Those are not necessarily bad reasons to take this course, and with the exception of the sex part, this course might actually help you out with some of these things.
If they can't help you out, then you go to your professor and you ask them.
And again, if you're not in that category, talk to John or I after class, and we'll help you figure out where you might want to go.
We know we need to divide by 266, 266 but what we need you to help us with is to figure out this top number here and see how many particles are going to backscatter. So if the TAs can come up and quickly hand out 1 particle to everyone.