Milton elaborates on this claim that we should read and prove anything we want, for we are sufficient to judge aright.
I know to be a judge, you can't just become a judge, you usually have to practice as a lawyer first.
I'll give you--in one of Kahneman and Tversky's examples, people were asked to judge the occupation of a young woman.
We are called upon first to read and listen "? and then to judge "who's right?"
And lying behind this idea, I think, is the claim, the intuition, that it's a presumption to judge whose pleasures are intrinsically higher or worthier or better.
Does that make any difference to how we're to judge him?
If they type in bogus characters, it's going to yell at them and make them retry, and eventually I'm going to get handed back an int, which I'm storing in n. Well, if I actually want to judge this number based on its magnitude, well, I can say now, "If n is greater than or equal to one."
We'll assume that if there's a tie that we flip a fair coin or a Supreme Court judge, whatever you want to take, whichever.
And Abraham's reaction comes as something of a surprise. He objects to the plan, and he starts to argue with God. "Will you sweep away the innocent along with the guilty? Shall not the judge of all the earth justly?" That's in Genesis 18:23-25. The question is of course rhetorical.
And one of the cases that I've talked about probably be the most controversial is where babies were born with severe problems that not gonna be compatible with what the parents and doctors judge to be a reasonable quality of life.
It's even fine to judge breeds of dogs.
Well if you're of lower status, lower social status, the judge is going to look at you and say, "Come on, you're poor, your neighbor's rich, I'm going to side for the neighbor."
we then coached each other in the... to prepare for the actual argument in front of a judge.
An arbitress is a judge and she would seem to oversee the justice in this world.
The philosopher seeks to judge those beliefs in the light of true standards in the light of what is always and everywhere true as a quest for knowledge.
Again it's like anyone who does important things it's hard to judge the whole picture and on that I am sure he has created value for the economy.