People make mistakes and it is very possible to make a mistake about your own interests.
That's a crucial mistake that we make when we first try to come to terms with what Freud means by "the death wish."
It's a common mistake to make if you forget that I've actually declared that variable up top, but wait a minute, I know any time that I use a variable, I have to declare it.
I think what I want to do-- And sometimes that explanation is accurate, but the ones that are interesting here are the ones where you misattribute the cause of the arousal-- you make a mistake and think it's love when it might be due to something else.
They said, it's not going to work because you have to decide how much the house is insured for and then anybody--If you ever make a mistake and you insure it for too much, then the people who realize they've got one on the insurance company-- they've insured the house for more than it's worth-- they'll burn down their house and collect the money.
So the best response for Player 1, as a function of what Player 2 chooses, q2, is just equal to the q1 hat in this expression and if I solve that out carefully, I will no doubt make a mistake, but let's try it.