So this course is actually going to run counter to that historical tendency to make unity out of diversity.
so you have to make a garment out of nothing like paper bags or plastic bags.
If I'm going to make insulin from this I have to know that I've got the introns spliced out correctly.
He went in hope of getting money out of them, to make more movies. And he never got anything.
And then we're going to try a demo to see if we can convince ourselves that the kind of calculations we make work out perfectly, and we'll do a test up here about half way through class.
You've got to pretty much take that chalk, and make a slurry out of it, put water, and dry it back up, put in a mold, and then you can have the chalk again, but you can't just glue it back together.
If I'm basically just squeezing jello, that is, I'm trying to make the problem simpler, but the combination turns out to be really complex, I've not gained anything.
Some of your questions seemed to draw out other things that he doesn't plan to talk about, like what he really did to make money.
There are all kinds of little abbreviations they make, ; and it suggests that language has to be wrenched out of its conventions; syntax can be set aside; language needs to move at the speed of experience and at the speed of ecstasy.
Not just to enliven these abstract and distant books but to make clear, to bring out what's at stake in our everyday lives, including our political lives, for philosophy.
We want to make sure that if the students would not to be given the time out to learn, we need to provide a vehicle or that they can take the advantage of learning in their world context to actually put the theory into practice.
Now I say this not so much to depress the hell out of you, but partly to warn you, and to make it clear that I believe that it's a skill.
So you have the low fat diets, you have the low carb diets like Atkins, etc., and so--and even the experts who aren't out there trying to make a fortune on diet books have their own favorite foods and things.
So let's listen to a track here, a sax solo and I am going to try to keep-- make some sense out of this-- because it gets more and more complex-- by following the electric bass underneath so let's listen to an old tape.
You can't think that it really could make so much difference in the real world how prices and quantitie and welfare, and profit is going to work out depending on some thought experiment about how I think about my strategy set.
你们很难想象在现实世界里,价格 产量 福利和利润会因为,不同策略集合设定下的思想实验,而产生如此巨大的变化
but you've got to be certain when you get out there. And make a positive move.