How do we have a conversation about what does it mean to be a well-rounded student at an American university today?
A lot of cool stuff to do, I mean, I got opportunity to work in the city. It's a great city.
When they say you don't believe you're going to die, do you mean, you don't believe your body's going to die?
I mean do faculty feel any responsibility to look at their research and say: "this is applicable."
This quantity is exactly zero for an ideal gas and we'll discover why eventually it has to do with what we mean by an ideal gas it turns out.
I've read through the same thing twenty times and I've missed something obvious. Someone who's never seen it before looks at and says, did you really mean to do this?
And yet if a computer can only count up to 2 billion or maybe 4 billion, I mean, what do you then do?
What does it mean to do anything in a world in which God seems to be so entirely in control of all of our doings and of our actions?"
But that doesn't mean that it is important or the "is", the fact that it is important doesn't mean we ought to do it.
I mean it wasn't terrible, it was sort of a precursor to what people are trying to do It flopped miserably, but I'm glad we did it.
Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?"
They may not mean to but they do.
What we want to do now is compute the mean and variance of the portfolio-- or the mean and standard deviation, since standard deviation is the square root of the variance-- for different combinations of the portfolios.
I mean, this is a really great place to do business, because almost regardless of what it is you do,
There are only three assignments: two six-page papers, that I'll explain how to do. One is a exegesis paper, and we'll spend a whole section discussion talking about what we mean by exegesis and teaching you how to do it.
Yeah.It does't do mean much good to have somebody in the back like this.Ok.
At the same time, I do mean to give you some sense of the period in which they're writing, some sense of modernism as a field, as one of the richest fields in English language writing.
But it's funnier to do with your friends, I mean, if you're going to do tricks and all that.
He writes home, "I do not intend to shirk now that there is really something to fight for; I mean freedom.
But what does he mean by or what do I mean by referring to his policies of abstention ? from political life?
Is this all okay? If we're all going to die then does it really mean that we should just do the best we can at anybody's expense while we're alive?
What do you mean they're going to shoot them?