Now. I want to move away from statistics and talk about present values, which is another concept in finance that is fundamental.
Another way of saying it is: neither player wants to move away.
It could be the response is 'there's something dangerous in the environment, we got to move away', and so the response is for the cell to crawl in the opposite direction.
Today we're going to move away from the first dimension of music that we've been looking at, which is duration, or time, and begin to work with the second, which is pitch, and melody.
But when I review the evidence, I come away thinking there's no good reason to move beyond the physical.
And when we talk about size, I'm again just going to say the stipulation we're not talking about an absolute classical concept here, but in general we're going to picture it being much further away from the nucleus as we move up in terms of n.
My daughter was sitting next to me and all the elegant women and other dress up women I guess they were shuddering and they are getting move away from me.
I decided to move, I can move right away.
我想动一下 我马上就能动
Neither has any incentive to move away.