Orthodox Christianity teaches us to put aside our concerns for the body when we consider our death.
I'm going to put aside for the moment the question of sign languages and how they work.
It's a violation of people's liberty for the government to force everyone whether they want to or not to put aside some earnings today for the sake of their retirement.
But in keeping with the focus of our discussion about the badness of death, I want to put aside the moral question ? and think about how good or bad for me ? is it that there's variability in death?
He's beginning to put aside all of those literary anxieties induced by his reading of Shakespeare, and it's as if he's more and more willing to use as a kind of literary assistant, or helper, Spenser: the great poet of holy matrimony and married sexual bliss.
But it would be reckless, it seems to me, to just put them aside and not ask yourself the question, "Can there be something believable at the roof of this?"
So I'm going to ask you to come at the New Testament,though, from the outside. If you feel like you know something about it, put those aside for the moment, because when we do the class we'll be trying to get you to see this document as if for the first time, to see early Christianity completely as if for the first time.
Well,at first glance,you might think the answer is, look,you exist,you're alive,whatever it is--; as I said,I'm just going to be loose now, I'm going to put aside all the careful distinctions I just drew-- I'm still around as long as my body is P-functioning.
And let's just suppose the correct theory of personal identity is Van Inwagen such as to put aside any worries we might have along with van Inwagen, that we discussed previously, as to whether or not on resurrection day that would really be you or not. Suppose it would be you.
But having gestured toward them,I want to put them aside.
And just to simplify the discussion, put aside the question of law, let's assume that you as the jury are charged with deciding whether what they did was morally permissible or not.
Serfs who are compelled to work the land, or in some places even slaves, well, they have no incentive, put aside the question even of capacity, to invest capital for the purpose of improving the size and quality of the their crops, their trees, their vines.
Having drawn all those distinctions, I'm going to just ride roughshod over them and put them aside.
So I'm just going to put it aside.
But why? What is it about the facts about life and death that seem to make it misguided to think ? we should just put them aside and pay no attention to them?
What the philosopher tries to do, then, so as to better focus on these ideal things, is to disregard the body, put it aside, separate his mind as much as possible from it.
所以 哲学家们,为了全神贯注于这些理想事物,就要忽略肉体,撇开肉体,尽可能地分离精神和肉体