It's easy to know what nucleotide to put in each position as you're going along and polymerizing a new molecule.
And they have to put in a certain amount of work time, working at the Food Co-op.
If we have a higher z effective, it's pulled in tighter, we have to put in more energy in order to eject an electron, so it turns out that that's why case 2 is actually the lowest energy that we need to put in.
It's looking at the end test. It's looking at the kinds of conditions you're going to put in.
So we don't really need to put in a certain amount of heat and change the temperature of the products and the calorimeter and so on.
to put in place policies that incentivizes people to use things such as energy efficiency
And, furthermore, to put the background in front, 1s2 2s2 2p3 let's do the electronic structure. It is 1s2, 2s2, 2p3.
Before that, people used to put papers in piles, tie them up in ribbons, and put them on bookshelves or in drawers.
We try to put it in a group of three, the arrange of abilities.
All right, so here once again is our same matrix with me and my pair, choosing actions Alpha and Beta, but this time I'm going to put numbers in here.
I just wanted to try to put that in perspective.
Or to put it in terms of stages, that person's got to be--that stage, that slice has to be part of the very same extended-through-time space-time worm as this stage is.
This is again the sort of existential condition in which Hobbes wants to put us in the state of nature and all the benefits he lists there, he enumerates, that are denied to us in such a condition, again no knowledge, no geography, no cultivation of the earth, no navigation or building.
You prove to your teacher that you understand the authors by being able to put their meaning in other words -in other words, to say the author is intending to say something, not just that the text says something and this is what it says, with your exam then being one long screed of quotation.
You have to put a citation in there so that people know that you're not trying to plagiarize it,
So it's a useful way of not quite knowing in advance what you want to put in a string, but being able to create strings, phrases, sentences, dynamically.