Also trying to raise awareness within the community that there are people on the other side we can approach.
It's actually a really great place to raise kids with a lot of families.
This provides the moral basis of what I would call Hobbes' humanitarianism and yet that humanitarianism seems to raise further problems.
And then maybe I raise the temperature to whatever, room temperature, maybe 20 degrees hotter than room temperature. And I again say OK, now how much heat do I need to raise this thing's temperature by 1 degree?
Because we're as skeptical about skepticism as we are about anything else we're likely to raise our eyebrows and say, "Hmm. Doesn't this guy Foucault think he's an author?
We've been able to raise millions of dollars for the foundation, and we are delighted to be able to sponor cutting-edge reseach.
In 2003 they decided to change that and they decided to raise the discount rate above the Federal Funds Rate.
But now that we're here,we're in a position perhaps to raise the question, should we be asking what it takes to survive?
If you decide to raise your hand, those are motor neurons telling the muscles what to do.
But our engineers work in a three-star hotel, not very flashy, not on the spotlight, and I only promised them to raise their salaries twice a year.
If I had money enough to raise a few hundred contrabands and arm them I'd get up an insurrection among the slaves; told the captain I'd desert to do it."
Well a calorie technically--and this is again, not something that we would ever quiz you on but I just thought you might be interested to know-- that it's the energy required to raise one gram of water one degree centigrade, and we'll talk in a minute about you might go about measuring that.
s a wonderful way to raise money, to raise money without saying re taxing people.
I want to raise the stakes beyond using Mass. Ave.
We'll try to raise them with all the technologies, we won't try to answer them, there are probably better people at Yale to answer those kinds of questions than I am.
The parents have to raise their child right.