It gives opportunity to reflect a lot, contemplate a lot about not only your own daily activities, but just what's going on in the world around you.
And the accounting unfortunately at that point in general wasn't really able to reflect that difference
It's quite striking and it helps you to reflect on what makes us behave the way we do.
It also seems to reflect the interests of the south. Remember, we talked about the fact briefly that at a certain point in Israel's history there is a division upon the death of Solomon in the late tenth century.
Well,maybe there's some other interpretation, and I invite you to reflect on the question.
Silence gives us a chance to reflect on what we have said and heard.
And the poem goes on, and this is the tone of a poem. It's a poem of crisis, a poem of a kind of hollow speaker, someone who emerges as, more or less, buried alive. And this is supposed to reflect both personal crisis and a historical crisis.
That is to say, current prices reflect all publicly known information about each stock, and therefore are unbiased.
I'm going to read it to you just so you can reflect on it.
They seem to sort of reflect deep differences in your mood and emotions and thoughts.
There's the performance version of 1634 and the printed version of 1637, and the additions to the text that Milton is making for the published version reflect, I think, his sense that he, like the Lady, is in the process of making an important transition.
I'm going to turn--I'm going to reflect on this because he may not be pleased with the article.
Of course, the problems are not damning; they're problems that reflect the progress yet needed to be made in insurance.
So, according to the expectations theory augmented with liquidity preference-- This strongly upward-sloping term structure in 2003 would reflect two things.
It could be multiple versions. And we're going to come back throughout the term to think about how to code programs that reflect this.
When we reflect, when we replay the material, we are much more likely to retain, to remember what we have just been through.