It goes without saying that there is something outlandish, to say the least, about this.
In many ways, to say the least.
And in this case we're going to look at silicone, and we'll say if you can point out to me which requires the least amount of energy.
That's why I've tried to say if there are souls, at least that opens the door to the possibility that we will survive our death.
So the problem here, roughly, is given, a number of cities, and say the cost of traveling from city to city by airplane, what's the least cost round trip that you can find?
So did you approach Professor Katz and say "we have this idea we really would like to promote"? At least a discussion and the academic study of what it looks like.
.. So I'm going to restrict myself, at least when I think about it, to versions that say, it's the life of a person per se that's valuable.
A kind of consequence of this is if we're thinking about a multi-electron atom, which we'll get to in a minute where electrons can shield each other from the pull of the nucleus, we're going to say that the electrons in the s orbitals are actually the least shielded.
It's natural to talk that way, but if we want belief in the soul to help us hold out the possibility at least that there might be life after death, then I think we need to actually say that strictly speaking, it's not that a person is a soul plus a body.
Well again, I can say the words, but when I try to imagine that possibility and take it seriously, at least speaking personally, it doesn't--it doesn't hold up.
I mean some of you may want to say look the person lecturing to you now has at least a fair bit of his hair. He's got a beard.
Somewhere in The Great Gatsby, which was my Tom Sawyer when I was twelve, the youthful narrator remarks that everybody suspects himself of having at least one of the cardinal virtues and he goes on to say that he thinks his, bless his heart, is honesty.