it's very hard for the professors to schedule a lot of individual time for the people who can't make it.
Let me go back to the overall schedule before you go to the individual segment who gets in to see him.
Train schedule, you will be prompted by the newer boxes from where to where.
We'll try to make sure everybody's schedule is accommodated, and you'll either meet on Thursdays or Fridays, in discussion sections,and we'll organize those sections closer to the end of the shopping period, when we have a better idea who will be in here.
I always worry about people who have such important businesses because some big deal may become in crisis or something; people like that have trouble sometimes adhering to a schedule.
For example, if you are running behind schedule and you really must be moving to your next appointment,
If you want to spend time with a friend but you need to find out their schedule first,
Again, we reserve the right to move people around if we have to, just to balance load, but we want you to find something that fits your schedule rather than ours.
So it would have been nice to have this at a later hour but this was the only time that really worked into the schedule, so I appreciate you being here.
And fixed versus variable speaks to whether you give a reward on a fixed schedule, every fifth time, or variable, sometimes on the third time, sometimes on the seventh time, and so on.
Yeah, I think it happens when your schedule does not work out the way you expected it to.
But you know, you're open to other people's schedule.
We were looking at structuring the schedule easily 2 to 3 months in advance.
The personal aid isn't a National Security offical but a person always knows what the president's schedule is, has his briefing book, his speech, his man, whatever the president needs to just keep functioning.
Whole life" is more complicated because it builds a cash value according to a schedule and there is both non-participating and participating.
We're going to ask you to look at your schedule sometime before our next lecture and think about when you can come to a teaching assistant section.
Well it's a complicated job, delicate job to manage the president's schedule.