Choose this day which ones you are going to serve, but I in my household will serve Yahweh," serve the Lord.
I'm more than happy to serve this country, go and help out what's happening in...
And I think there was a time when that sense of dominion was used as justification for using those resources only to serve human needs.
Is this not the very thing we told you in Egypt, saying let us be we will serve the Egyptians, for it's better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness.
You must love loyal advisors and servants, whether they be foreigners or our own people, and spare no effort to serve the common good."
Plato himself, remember, made a number of trips to Sicily to serve as the advisor to a king there, Dionysius, and all of these missions failed and left him deeply dispirited.
Are you going to serve in the British Army?
They often involve networks of reactions, not just one enzyme but a series of enzymes that serve to amplify each other.
When you serve on a board, you are in a fiduciary role; you are there to protect shareholders and that's the concept.
And so Milton writes : "And when we return to our native Olympus" and in a classically oriented poem such as this a phrase like "our native Olympus" would always serve to signify the Christian heaven.
I was at Princeton from 83 to 86, got my master in chemical engineering Now i serve as the administrator of the United States Envrionment Protection Agency My engineering background is extremely important to the job i do everyday.
Ah ha, it goes into that accept portion, prints out a message, and goes back around the while loop to say try again. And it's going to keep doing this until I give it something that does serve as a float.
The ark then is said to serve as his footstool.
To him this was not useless, because it didn't serve the state.
In 24, the Israelites are assembled at Shechem to renew the covenant and Joshua recounts God's mighty deeds on behalf of Israel and exhorts them to choose whom they will serve: Yahweh, who has done all of this for them so undeservedly, or the gods of those whose lands they are settling in.
He taught the priority of rights over duties and he argued that the sovereign should serve the lowly interest or the lowly ends of providing peace and security, leaving it to individuals to determine for themselves how best to live their lives.