To speak of shepherds and shepherding in a pastoral poem seems almost invariably to be a strategy or a way to speak of poets and their craft of poetry.
we are sort of all forced to take part in these different subjects and gain a well-roundedness, so to speak.
It would be vulgar, he believes, to speak of justice, or any virtue in terms of material rewards or consequences.
But to speak of an intentional structure as a center is not at all the same thing as to speak of an intending person, author, being, or idea that brought it into existence, because that's extraneous.
It's almost a way of inviting us to visualize the separation of these two people as they speak.
Is that how important is it that we get control of that border and seal it, so to speak.
So I want to ask you now, and be brave and speak out, in your reading of the story did anything of that nature strike you?
We decrement so to speak the variable and then where will we go next in terms of the flow control, the flow of this program.
Of course, there would be larger denominations than $100, but by tradition, we speak of them as if they were bonds that you paid $100 to get.
Although it's not true that you are speaking French-- let's suppose that you know how to speak French-- it's still true of you while you're asleep that you can or could speak French.
Now that--If the only language you've ever heard is English, that's going to seem like a really weird example of a problem because you're listening to me speak and in between each of my words you're hearing a pause.
The experience of having language speak through him and do things that he doesn't understand makes him want to acquire again that agency that he experienced when he took his father's words literally.
This kind of ritual honor all the time I mean after all we have a president who just likes to speak like a Texan, he doesn't do all that honor stuff.
to make sure that you speak with someone who is very knowledgeable about the prices of certain things.
It makes me really nervous to speak like Japanese and Spanish because of my pronunciation,
All of these systems we can call "languages," and "language"--that is to say, the words that we use when we speak to each other is one of those systems.