And so now, you have two threads so to speak, two miniature programs, two sprites all interacting with one another.
All of these systems we can call "languages," and "language"--that is to say, the words that we use when we speak to each other is one of those systems.
Immortality. One way is through your family and its sons who carry forward the family name, so to speak.
They are waiting till 11pm to 2am in the morning and then you speak to one of them. -Right.
That incident that Socrates tells here represents what one could call " the famous Socratic turn Socrates' second sailing so to speak.
One can speak hesitantly of literary discourse, political discourse, anthropological discourse, but one doesn't want to go so far as to say literature, political science, anthropology.
They're going to have to speak at least one another language and probably more.
They are also, and we see this from their relationship between one another, and the way they speak to one another, they are also highly competitive, super achievers.
If you get into the fifth century, late in the fifth century, Thucydides in his history has one of his generals speak to his men and say,"Men are the polis."
如果你回到五世纪,在五世纪末,修昔底德在他的年代就曾经,希腊历史学家,代表作《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》 对人民做过一次演讲,他说"人就是城邦"
So I can't really speak to the specifics of what was going on But bureaucracy as we know is always with us and one of the problems of Afghnastan was getting things done quickly, and a lot of mistakes were made because they try to so things too quickly and didn't think through the process.