The head of a string of pigs appeared, snout-up, over the ditch, and he had to screech to a stop and watch the rear of the last pig disappear shaking into the ditch on the other side.
The other quick thing I want to say is that I do have office hours today from 3 to 5, so feel free to stop by if you have questions about problem-set 3 that you're finishing up.
In fact I don't think the thing ever comes back, so I'm going to stop it because it really gets hung up here. And I'm going to restart it.
OK, so it's time to stop, I did, in fact, get caught up.
I'm going to stop there and we'll pick up on this topic, not next week, but the week after when we start talking about cell structure.
And you can very quickly take this feature to an extreme 10 and start putting X and Y and A and B and 10 and all your variables up top because it would seem to solve all of your problems and stop all of your thinking, but it's generally not a good thing.
And you could interfere with a translation by degrading messenger RNA, for example. If you had a way to specifically chew up all the RNA molecules that are responsible for making a particular protein, you could stop it from being expressed even though your cell is trying to make it.