But I think Milton would probably feel a little uncomfortable with our easy attribution of so much of the poem's learning to his memory.
One of the perhaps easiest ones to put your finger on is what if the computer is out of memory?
You don't represent as your own work the work of anyone else, and you don't use aids to memory other than those permitted by the examiner.
Some point to the presence of Egyptian names, and customs, and religious beliefs and laws as a sign of some historical memory being preserved in these stories.
No, I think somebody had to make up a story, but the memory of kings was not of a Tarquinius.
You don't have to read the notes cause you've got the sound in your ears, part of your aural memory.
And by that, I mean, not how much memory do I need to store the size of the input, it's really how much internal memory do I use up as I go through the computation?
He said:The good, lasting stuff comes out of one's individual imagination, and sensitivity to, and comprehension of, not out of the memory of one's own grief.
I take this to be an undeniable fact, but this is easy for us to say - it's easy for us to say that it's Milton's memory which is the fount of so much of the poem's erudition.
When you call a function, what actually happens is that function gets its own chunk of memory that's identical in size to the data type that it expects.
And when we return the string to you we're essentially telling you where this chunk of memory is.
0 And we'll also see backslash 0 which is actually the special character that's used at the end of a string to say no more string after this point in memory.
You can touch almost any part of memory in the computer systems that you want with your program, but do you want to?
It's inside the memory of the machine, which means we have access to it, we can change it, we can use it to build new pieces of code, as well as we can interpret it.
I can certainly try to write the number 13 there, but bam, my program very likely will crash if this chunk of memory was not given to me previously by the operating system and maybe it is owned by the operating system.
Well, again, just as I said verbally a moment ago, if you're going here, you're literally touching, trying to read or change memory that's beyond the boundaries of a chunk of memory that you're supposed to be touching based on its length.
So the heap is a chunk of memory in a computer's RAM that's conceptually allocated to what's called dynamic memory allocation.
Now this is a rain gauge, and it's sitting on a roof of a building, and when the water falls into this gauge, it sends a signal to the logic unit of the computer, which immediately notifies the memory bank of the computer to seek out its instructions for a rainy day.
To get any location in memory, to get to any value of the list, I simply have to say which element do I want to get, I know that these things are stored in a particular size multiply that index by 4, add it to start, and then it's in a constant amount of time I can go to that location and get out the cell.
I mean what if you're running so many things, what if the user has copied and pasted their thesis and just pasted it at the blinking prompt such that you're now out of memory because your computer is somewhat limited in memory so get string cannot possibly return all those characters or fit all of those characters in memory and return to you the address of the first.