The poem's connection to music signifies the difference in point of view in these poems from reasoned speech.
So it's important, in particular, to understand that from the physicalist's point of view, the mind is not the brain.
You, as the instruction designer, have to think of from the point of view of fulfilling both the explicate and the implicit purposes of the educational experience you are creating.
And, again, that seems to point back to Thrasymachus' point of view in the first book of the Republic.
We have to understand the way in which it's something that, if we're going to accept this point of view, we need to live with.
So one of the things that-- if you're here to learn about the New Testament because it's scripture, the class may disappoint you,from that point of view.
They are, therefore, going to have an extremely different point of view from at least Abolitionists in the North on this concept of equality.
He's somebody to be emulated from the point of view of the viewer.
Again, to show you the difference, a different perspective, from a different point of view about the impact of this diet you can look at something like that.
The second thing it's going to do, from a more theoretical point of view, is it's going to suggest to us that actually things aren't quite as bad we thought.
From the moral point of view, I suppose, it's fairly straightforward to suggest it makes things worse.
From the physicalist point of view, of course, the answer is going to be "Too quick."
To see that,recall the fact that according to the personality view, as a theory of personality identity, the crucial point isn't that my personality stay identical.
He tries to defend his point of view by arguing in a famous passage that his policy of abstinence actually carries important benefits to the city.
But I want to begin today with another passage, from the war years, and ask now from a Northern point of view, how do we get to Uriah Parmelee?
From one point of view, reading Hobbes, his account of the state of nature seems to derive from his physics of motion and rest, in the opening chapters of Leviathan.
But this raises, I think, the central or a central point about Socratic citizenship or Socrates' view of citizenship, this kind of principled disobedience to the law, something like Thoreau's model of civil disobedience.
I mean, after all from the physicalist's point of view, we're just a kind of glorified robot, able to do all sorts of things that most robots in most science fiction movies can do.
We'll loop back as we go through the class to questions about what's gone so horribly wrong, and more important, from a public health point of view, what can be done about it?
But the crucial point for this view is that the proper metaphysical understanding of the mind is to think of it in nonphysical terms, nonmaterial terms.
That seems,more or less, the right answer from the physicalist point of view, although as we'll see probably later today, we need to refine it somewhat.
The moderate right wing votes she's going to split with Claire Elise, and jean's going to have all the left wing votes, extreme and moderate, and so from Stacy's point of view this is a double bad.
From this point of view, it would seem that Hobbes helps to establish the language of what we might think of as the liberal opposition to absolutism.
Is a healthy society ? one that is literally open to every point of view, ? freedom of speech is naturally a cherished good, ? is it the supreme good?
No harm would be done if we call it a mind, though the reason I will typically talk about a soul is to try to flag the crucial point of the dualist view.
And notice by the by, that when we make choices about our future, from the hedonist point of view, at least, there's no particular need to dwell a whole lot on the past, because what's done is done.