Second explicate purpose for the education institutions is to allow students to practice and to apply what they've learnt.
Not all of the novels aspire to or have as their purpose that kind of difficulty that sometimes English majors really want.
That is to say, the arts of interpretation are used for the purpose of discovering, uncovering, and arriving at meaning.
And he asked companies and organizations to think about not only the explicate purpose for which they exist but also the explicated purpose.
Let's flip back a step beyond that to Mycenaean civilization for the purpose of noting the great contrast, the great change.
I think they have a moral purpose, which is to preserve the livelihoods of the people of the Province of Quebec.
He wanted to build institutions that would be used for the sole purpose of perfecting the slave into the perfect worker.
The centrality Aristotle ascribes to politics forces us to consider another question ? namely what is the purpose of this study?
This is on purpose, because one of the things I hope you have learned to do this semester, is look up things you don't know, and figure out what they do. What they mean.
So you're implementing this black box, and if its purpose in life is to actually return a value, you have to tell the compiler what kind of value to expect, and this is going to have ripple effects.
Now, the purpose of this simile is to evince the indistinctness and the confusion produced by our vision of the fallen angels.
Now, the purpose of this exercise is to give you a little bit of practice in figuring out what these quantities are.
The purpose of that dialogue, of that philosophical work, is to argue for the immortality of the soul.
God's redemption of the Israelites is a redemption for a purpose, a purpose that doesn't become clear until we get to Sinai, for at Sinai the Israelites will become God's people, bound by a covenant.
The purpose of the exercise is to make the following precise remark.
We should be approaching young people, encouraging them to engage, cross our religious boundaries and engage constructively with the same sort of sense of purpose that al-Qaeda recruits young people with a destructive divisive ideology.