So,composition alone can't give you the answer to the question why is the plywood superior to the solid pine board?
But it's a very non-affrontive way to pose the question.
They're plainly interrelated in a variety of ways, but it's more to the question of determinism I want to return today.
Now, let's come back to the question we started with, which has to do with profits and so on in society.
And then we're going to turn to the question of efficiency. How do we measure efficiency of algorithms? Which is going to be a really important thing that we want to deal with, and we'll start it today, it's undoubtedly going to take us a couple more lectures to finish it off.
The answer to the question, I think, gets at the very heart of the meaning of this elegy.
And then we're going to turn to the question, is it really true that immortality would be good?
So this is what he asked them to do: Select four answers to the question 'What should a reader be to be a good reader?' "The reader should belong to a book club."
It's not the whole story though. Let me turn to the question of the physical picture that you ought to have of a polis.
So one answer to the question is why can't I give up my natural rights to life, liberty, and property is well, they're not, strictly speaking, yours.
The answer to the question-- The question was, "Your baby's going to coo and 'ga ga, goo goo,' does it matter if you coo and 'ga ga, goo goo' back?"
And that takes us to the question of sound.
But it gets back to the question, are the reasons Socrates gives Crito for refusing to escape, the reasons he puts in the mouth of the laws of the city of Athens, ? are those Socrates' true reasons?
So if you wanna do something conditionally, you generally needs to ask the question, is the following true or false.
All right, so OK, it looks like we have a very mixed response in terms of the answer to the clicker question today.
We want to ask the question, What are these two quantities?