Heisenberg gets his PhD with Sommerfeld in Munich and then goes to Copenhagen to work with Bohr.
it can be really helpful to work with a group to brainstorm
And then this country has to work with many other nations and listen to them, not apologize, not gravel.
And they have agreed to allow us to work with them.
So I differentiated this object, this is my first derivative and I set it equal to 0 Now in a second I'm going to work with that, but I want to make sure i'm going to find a maximum and not a minimum, so how do I make sure I'm finding a maximum and not a minimum?
She's just really, really difficult to work with in the team.
That's all he had to work with But, science doesn't always move forward.
I've got two pieces I'm going to work with here for the end of our session.
What these people have to work with are the tools that have been passed down to them, The poverty of the people Frost writes about is important.
This is the vacation shot, it gives us something to work with.
So I introduced Hirsch in that context, and now I want to go back to him a little bit and I want to work with two passages which I have sent you all in e-mail-form and which I have neglected to put on the board, but they're so short I don't think that will be necessary.
I just love like, the people you get to work with.
and then I'm also helping to work with
and I like to work with them.
So that, to think nothing is something you have to work at; it's something that you can be preoccupied with.
And this confusion, I think, has everything to do with the fact that this is no ordinary moral that we have in this work of literature.