You look at certain things and you overly -you pay too much attention to some things and too little to others.
Let's pretend that at work, your boss gives you too much work and not enough time to finish it.
And more generally, people tend to give too much weight to the person and not enough weight to the situation.
People in the United States and increasingly in other countries around the world, are eating way too much fat.
You know from experience if you've ever mixed them to make salad dressing, they don't mix too well. And you may know that if you heat them up, they mix much better.
There's almost a danger here in listening to it too long or describing it in too much detail and the danger seems or what Milton thinks of as the peril seems to involve the problem of time.
I pay too much attention to suffering and that suffering is not what God wants, that we need to concentrate on God's blessings, which are that we be healthy and wealthy.
And then, so OK so we have all these people then, like how do you come watch what they're doing and I'm not trying to control too much what they're doing.
And yet he said we are focusing too much on cultural differences and he added not because there are no cultural differences.
Jahan Ramazani, who is the editor of The Norton and a great Yeatsian, he himself has decided that all this is too much to explain and you don't really need it.
It turns out in the case of Hepatitis B, the way the lifecycle proceeds-- the cells make too much of the protein and not all of it gets assembled into the virus.
Some people have a reaction-- if you say you're taking a course in finance they think that maybe you're selling out or maybe you value money too much and that you should really be in some other field.
Good, so Steven, anticipating that Patrick is going to think that steven's a sucker but Patrick's going to cheat on him and produce too much, Steven's going to produce a best response to that and he's going to produce this quantity here.
and one of your friends has had too much to drink, and he should not be driving himself home.
Another side effect if you take too much lithium is death, so that's no good to have in sodas either, and it might not have been as big a deal back in the 1920's, but you can imagine with supersizing today, this might be a bigger problem.
Now, you don't have to buy that and individuals undoubtedly found the strain too much from time to time, but what's interesting, is rather the ideal, the claim, the theory.