• When Darius II died, who was the king of the Persians, Alexander himself took on Darius's title, which was Great King.


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  • I just took a lot of classes and sat in on a few.


    伯克利的课程计划 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • So, this is a photograph that someone took on the internet of a real world receipt from a restaurant somewhere I think in the UK and I think the take away will perhaps be cleared pretty fast.


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  • So, the example that we took on Monday and that we ended with when we ended class, was looking at the 1 s orbital for hydrogen atom, and what we could do is we could graph the radial probability as a function of radius here.


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  • And Hammond even aggressively, directly, took on Thomas Jefferson.


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  • Were you and the president and everybody else in the White House worked as hard as you could, but things just sort of run away, took on a life of its own.


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  • Right. - And I think that if he was making a decision to give his life and he took on the agency to sacrifice himself which some people might see as admirable and other people might disagree with that decision.


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  • So it took a long time for the twenty books that we have to get settled on. And we'll talk about how that actually happened,also,still.


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  • And then Zeus, Athena and especially Aphrodite, looking down on him, took mercy and brought the statue to life.


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  • What's going on here, so go back to your Economics 115 or 150, if you took either of those courses.


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  • But nevertheless, let's just go with this for a minute, and if we suppose that it took about a generation to enter the land so you see, I've done the math on the side here.


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  • You are no longer like a son to me and like your father, my first husband, 'Ere this kindly Greek took pity on me."


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  • OCW Self learners are coming to OCW to explore whole new areas of study as well as to brush up on subjects that they took a while ago and perhaps got the rest in the end.


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  • Actually, it was an earlier edition, when I first assigned this book in the year 2000, I took it with me on vacation.


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  • Just as soon as we crowded our imagination already with the image of the spear the size of a Norwegian pine, which took a certain imaginative leap on our parts, we realize that Satan and his spear are immeasurably larger even than that.


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  • But because they have such a good reputation, on the bases of ratings and other kinds of securities, people just took them as they were.


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