When Darius II died, who was the king of the Persians, Alexander himself took on Darius's title, which was Great King.
I just took a lot of classes and sat in on a few.
So, this is a photograph that someone took on the internet of a real world receipt from a restaurant somewhere I think in the UK and I think the take away will perhaps be cleared pretty fast.
So, the example that we took on Monday and that we ended with when we ended class, was looking at the 1 s orbital for hydrogen atom, and what we could do is we could graph the radial probability as a function of radius here.
And Hammond even aggressively, directly, took on Thomas Jefferson.
Were you and the president and everybody else in the White House worked as hard as you could, but things just sort of run away, took on a life of its own.
Right. - And I think that if he was making a decision to give his life and he took on the agency to sacrifice himself which some people might see as admirable and other people might disagree with that decision.
So it took a long time for the twenty books that we have to get settled on. And we'll talk about how that actually happened,also,still.
And then Zeus, Athena and especially Aphrodite, looking down on him, took mercy and brought the statue to life.
What's going on here, so go back to your Economics 115 or 150, if you took either of those courses.
But nevertheless, let's just go with this for a minute, and if we suppose that it took about a generation to enter the land so you see, I've done the math on the side here.
You are no longer like a son to me and like your father, my first husband, 'Ere this kindly Greek took pity on me."
OCW Self learners are coming to OCW to explore whole new areas of study as well as to brush up on subjects that they took a while ago and perhaps got the rest in the end.
Actually, it was an earlier edition, when I first assigned this book in the year 2000, I took it with me on vacation.
Just as soon as we crowded our imagination already with the image of the spear the size of a Norwegian pine, which took a certain imaginative leap on our parts, we realize that Satan and his spear are immeasurably larger even than that.
But because they have such a good reputation, on the bases of ratings and other kinds of securities, people just took them as they were.