If we overlay what the actual molecular orbital is on top of it, what you see is that in the center you end up cancelling out the wave function entirely.
So now that means if this is where the center of positive excess charge lies and on top of it is the center there is no displacement of the charge so there is no net dipole.
Top is better than bottom against left -- sorry, bottom is better than top against left because 6 is bigger than 5, but top is better than bottom against center because 11 is bigger than 0.
If Player I chose top, center yields 3, right yields 0: 3 is bigger than 0.
It involves two players and we'll call the Players I and II and Player I has two choices, top and bottom, and Player II has three choices left, center, and right.
So Player I's payoff, if she chooses top and Player II chooses center, we read by looking at the top row and the center column, and Player I's payoff is the first of these payoffs, so it's 11.
Player II's payoff, from the same choices, top for Player I, center for Player II, again we go along the top row and the center column, but this time we choose Player II's payoff, which is the second payoff, so it's 3.
在这种情况下参与人II的收益,即参与人I 选上参与人II选中时,注意下是上行和中列,但是现在我们要找参与人II的收益,也就是第二个收益,即3