It's at this point that Milton chose for the subject of his epic poem the subject of the tragedy that he'd been contemplating for so many years.
Pity" and "terror," these become crucial terms, the terms that Aristotle, in his Poetics, used to define tragedy.
when innocent lives were lost in such tragedy, especially after Hurricane Katrina, in the Jewish community people are really struggling with that question.
And the sort of tragedy then is sort of personal tragedy where is taking away from his parents.
They are trying to make sense of the tragedy that has befallen them, how a text like Joshua 23 and Joshua 24 would go a long way towards explaining their fate while retaining faith in Yahweh.
The greatest tragedy of American history arguably is that this struggle could not be decided by debate.
That was supposed to be a tragedy that, in some manuscript drafts that we still have today -- in some manuscript drafts, he titled this prospective tragedy Paradise Lost and in other drafts Adam Unparadised.
When we look at the death of Socrates, do we think of it as a tragedy, as a moral tragedy, ? a just man sentenced to death by an unjust law?
In both movies, Magnificent Amberson and Citizen Kane, that sort of tragedy that changes the past. Now you have the reality which is sort of bleaker.
So, it's a real tragedy that the world had lost that.
Like no tragedy has happened to me yet.
The romance heroine is often threatened with rape, but by her cleverness or by good luck or a concatenation of forces ; she can always invariably avert that tragedy; and by the end of the work she can present herself to her future husband as a virgin.
In his movies, he takes some tragedy.