The speaker of the poem mourns the death of the shepherd-poet Lycidas and describes this parade, this procession of mourners who make their tribute to the deceased.
You see, in the previous empires, like the Assyrian Empire, or these kinds of-- the Egyptian Empire, when people conquered other peoples, often all they wanted was tribute.
The Athenians at least pay Socrates the tribute of taking him seriously, which is exactly why he is on trial.
In a way it's a tribute to the great creator and also an acknowledgement of the fact that the great creator lives in the Eternal Moment.
In this respect, he seems to have followed Spenser -- Edmund Spenser, whose Faerie Queeneis in large part a tribute to the sacrament of marriage, although interestingly The Faerie Queene, the great Spenserian poem, never actually manages to feature a marriage between two human beings.
So Judah, the Southern Kingdom, is a tribute-paying vassal state to the Assyrian overlord. And of course there's a great deal of Assyrian cultural influence and religious influence in Judah as a result.
They probably succeeded in subduing some of their neighbors, collecting tribute--there's some controversy about that but in about 922 this kingdom divided into two smaller and lesser kingdoms that fell in importance.