So even though we think of conditions as being Boolean values true or false, really underneath the hood true means anything other than zero.
There's this notion of a Boolean value named after Mr. Bool, which is just a notion of true or false.
That's what the serpent omitted in his speech. He said If you eat of that fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, It's true in one sense but it's false in another.
More generally, Chomsky suggests that the law of effect when applied to humans is either trivially true, trivially or uninterestingly true, or scientifically robust and obviously false.
And of course, if that's true, then premise three is false.
This is just a little inelegant and so one of the things we'll introduce early on is this idea of abstraction or design whereby if you wanna represent the ideas of 0 and 1, true or false, well, let's give them a synonym like true or false.
But the point to think about for next time is just, is it really true that all three of the premises are true, or might one or more of them be false?
So we talked about Mr. Bool briefly last week in this idea of true or false, but in C, you don't have a Boolean data type.
You can actually declare in C synonyms using special syntax that says, you know what, even though yes at the end of the day I'm implementing false as a 0 and true as a 1, I can abstract away from that detail and use words that are more intuitive to me like true and false.