There's this notion of a Boolean value named after Mr. Bool, which is just a notion of true or false.
And if the test is true, it will change the value of this program counter to point to some other place in the memory, some other point in that sequence of instructions, and you'll keep processing.
This is true even of seemingly identical signs, because each has its use value and is only intelligible as that which it exists to mean in a certain context.
This is a true or false value.
This is saying, that's a class, true or sorry, an instance of a class, and I'm going to get the x value associated with it.
true If that value is true, I want to do a set of things.
I'm going to say, gee, p2 is the x value the same in both of them, and if it is, and the y value's the same, then this is the same point, I'm going to return true.
It's a little more readable because I'm using a Boolean value that tells me, the programmer, this is true or this is false.