And the tumor had to be removed and with it came a lot of Elliot's frontal lobe.
He was diagonised with a brain tumor at age two and he fought a valiant effort for about five years but ultimately he ?.
This example here, the idea is to introduce a gene into tumor cells of a tumor.
So, a natural product is something that is made by nature, and often natural products, whether it comes from a plant or a marine organism have some really good, useful properties. And so, one particular compound has anti-tumor properties. So, again, along this line of cancer research.
And Elliot had a tumor in his frontal lobe.
And this is exactly what the neuron will do all over before going into recepting into a tumor, for example if you have under your brain to know what the different regions of the brains do.
His family started the Matthew Larson Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation for research.
So if you could stop a tumor from being able to develop blood vessels you might be able to stop its growth at a stage where it's not harmful.
If a tumor starts to grow and it doesn't develop a vascular supply it doesn't develop blood vessels in it, then it can't get bigger than a certain size and there's lots of evidence from many cancers showing that this is true.
So, those wrong proteins get presented on MHC1 and your immune system can kill the cell because it's a tumor cell.
所以 当这些错误的蛋白,同MHC1一起被呈递,你的免疫系统就可以消灭这些肿瘤细胞