When you start describing the significance of a symbol like the tunnel, which recurs in the book, you immediately begin to limit it, and a symbol should go on deepening.
Sometime it will just stop in the middle of a tunnel for however long.
You were speaking about light in the end of the table this going to be this going to be the end of the tunnel.
When the body is in stress, we have various unusual stimulations of the visual sections of the brain, and perhaps that explains the white light or the feeling of compression in the tunnel.
It's known to Americans who have visited, there are many, but others because that's the Ritz Hotel where what's-her-name, Princess Diana left ten years ago now and never made it, unfortunately for her, out of the Pont d'Alma, the tunnel.
I was just finding very tunnel vision-like, the smallest elements at that moment in time which means I don't know anything about the other elements other than they are not the smallest and so no matter what with Selection Sort I had to repeat this again and again and again and if you do out the math it's roughly N squared steps in the worst case as well.
Eventually, perhaps, they leave the operating room altogether in this experience that they're having, and they have a feeling of joy and euphoria; they have some experience of going through a tunnel, seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.
The big question for American now is whether there will be light at the end of the tunnel after more than 8 years of war there, after all that life lost and fouture spent.
Perhaps at the other end of the tunnel they begin to have some communications or see some loved one who has died previously or perhaps some famous religious person in their-- in the teaching of their tradition-- their religious tradition.