I think if you've contributed twenty five thousand dollars or above.
Think about the advent of hedge funds -twenty or twenty-five years ago, hedge funds were a blip on the radar screen.
Then what I'm going to do for the last twenty or twenty-five minutes is talk about the Dutch Republic.
In the next twenty-five years the increased--the anticipated increase in diabetes is supposed to be about 37% in the U.S.
Now it's still going to be another twenty-five years before Milton writes the great epic, but Milton will no longer express the same degree of anxiety about under-preparation to write the great epic.
However, if there are repeated, unexcused absences, there will be an adjustment in the grade calculation, and it will be worth twenty to twenty-five percent of your grade, and it will be a negative grade also.
The twenty-five years I have lived since then tapered to a palpitating point and vanished. This is a remarkable passage to me.
I forget the exact number of the ones in the Semitic alphabet, but we're talking about roughly twenty-five.
It fit the environment perfectly, once they could make these things actually go twenty-five miles an hour.
In our first Yeats lecture, I was talking about Yeats's early development and stylistic transformation over the course of, roughly,a twenty-, twenty-five year period.
We have about twenty-five copies, so don't take one if you don't need it.
We die while it's still the case that living another ten years or twenty years or for that matter five hundred years-- would still or could still have been good for us.
Now, in any society changing this much, this fast, doubling its own population--doubling--in twenty-five years.
That's because, well, when you buy your first house you might be twenty-five, so thirty years brings you to age fifty-five; that's close enough to retirement.
The discount rate is now only 2.5% twenty-five basis points higher; it's at 2.5%.
You can't come up with a number to describe the twenty-five standard deviation event; it's just too large a number, I think, for any of us to really comprehend.