I was given two weeks and one other programmer in Biz Stone to write the software. And we did it.
and I'm still here, three years, like, in two weeks would be my, like, three year anniversary and
By the end of, like two weeks from now or so, we're going to pass Google in page views.
We will plan at the end of the two weeks of reading stories about Japan, true and mostly folk, a lot of folk tales.
I would go out and I was making a lot more in two weeks than my father made in two years.
We talked about antibodies, we talked about them two weeks ago, we talked about them in section last week, uses of them.
And the experiment was supposed to go on for two weeks to show what entering a role does.
We've spent the last week and a half or so, maybe a bit more, two weeks, talking about arguments for the existence of the soul.
So all of these assumptions are the same assumptions we studied two weeks ago, or two and a half weeks ago, and which you actually studied in your first homework assignment.
At least two weeks before the quiz.
At the end of that two weeks, I wrote the first tweet, which was inviting coworkers.
We're going to go now to the last movement of his Pastoral Symphony, and I keep hitting on the Pastoral Symphony 'cause in two weeks- or maybe three weeks--we're going to go hear, I guess,the Saybrook Orchestra play the Pastoral Symphony.
So we had two weeks like about... Three weeks ago, we had like a big heat spell.
And odds are if a week hence, two weeks hence just for fun you decide to reimplement your Scratch project -- or some tiny piece of it, it wouldn't be surprising -- or shouldn't be -- if you end of implementing the same game or animation or whatever using a completely different set of puzzle pieces Same deal we'd see here.
I'm going to Thailand in two weeks.
I've assigned a full two weeks to the Republic, which would be four lectures, but because I wanted to do some other things with the course as well, I had to cut the Republic by one lecture, and now I'm paying for that today.