I just want to remind you, if I wanted to, for example, type in an expression like that, notice the syntactical form, it's an expression, a number, followed by an operand, followed by another expression.
And, in fact, these are the only two types of nodes that we're going to be describing, so we can actually calculate both the total number of notes and the number of each type of node we should expect to see in any type of orbital.
That's--that accounts for relatively small number of the overall cases of Type I Diabetes.
So with an integer, an int data type, you can store any number between 0 and 4 billion roughly.
Well I need to take that number and I'm going to turn it into a string. So notice what I'm going to do right here. I take that number and convert it into a string. That's an example of that type conversion we did earlier on. By doing that it makes it possible for me to treat it as an ordered sequence of characters.
This is a type of number that we'll see in a bit.
So unlike an int, this is the type of number that can have numbers after a decimal place.
Can you tune in to any number of designs including duffel bags, if you're the athletic type, law bears if you're more of the stuffed animal type, and then under the new category here do we have a whole bunch of meem themes shirt as well.