Well, it's a God symbol. It's even got that typical children's book iconography of the curls and the white beard. Okay.
The good scholars of Milton reveal their typical resistance to anything even remotely interesting or alive in the text.
These are not actually from last spring, but they're typical enough that I was too lazy to make some new quotes.
So they--a typical advanced country takes a third of the profits, the government takes a third of the profits.
Do I have two yes answers if you wanna check two conditions at once? You know, this might seem to be a bit of a new context for some of you but consider a typical website.
Other medications and psychiatry, A known as A typical neuroleptics tend not to make the symptom things worse.
Now these are going to be sort of dreary, boring, typical Martin lectures; dreary and boring historical surveys.
Maybe a typical farm, you might imagine, is maybe ten acres; that is a very small farm.
So the average person, average normal weight of a typical person might consume 2000 calories a day.
That has a typical Bildungsroman structure, the structure of a story about a boy who goes out from his home and sort of becomes a man through his travels.
Typical characterization, not all the time, but typical characterization, is an algorithm that reduces the size of a problem by one, or by some constant amount each time, is typically an example of a linear algorithm.
Any--I won't read this but this is a typical bit of Nazi propaganda.
I'm using the typical terms.
A progenitor cell, the definition, it just means it can generate the cells that are typical of that tissue or that organ, so it's capable of becoming these mature classes of cells.
Desires, at the very least, seem to be, at least in typical cases, very closely tied to a series of emotions.
Turns out this user's manual, just like a typical book, has multiple sections or chapters and Chapter One is generally about programs.