Nonetheless Oscar Wilde, a friend of Yeats nonetheless, Yeats's poetry does undergo an important and notable stylistic change.
This stem cell which is reproduced still has the potential to undergo asymmetric division but this one does not.
If you didn't really believe you were going to die, that is undergo bodily death, why would you take out life insurance?
The last eight lines announce the course of this new poet's life -announce the fact that this poet's course in life is about to undergo a drastic change.
When a new male lion takes over a pride what he does is kill all the remaining cubs and any lionesses undergo spontaneous abortions.
The program at Hartford incorporates a lot more classes in terms of understanding American-Muslim identity, they give you a lot more classes on counseling, advising, how to deal with more social issues and personal issues people would undergo on a daily basis.
Could it be true, is there any good reason to believe it is true, that nobody believes they're going to undergo bodily death?
Each of us must undergo his own death and nobody else's death.
Nobody else can undergo their death for them,somebody else's death for them.
I am the only one who can undergo my death?
My death is something that only I can undergo.
They could mean nobody really believes they're going to cease to exist as a person, first possibility. Second possible claim, nobody really believes they're going to undergo the death of their bodies.
The same thing with these cells here, as these cells undergo continual divisions, they're changing in ways that make them mature, that make them more like the mature cells of the nervous system, for example, if that's where they end up being but they're losing potential as they go through that differentiation process.